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Dr.Venus E.Evans-Winters

Founder, Planet Venus Institute

Knowledge + Resilience = Power!

Dr. Venus E. Evans-Winters is a Professor of Education, a licensed clinical psychotherapist and certified clinical trauma professional in private practice as well as a certified health and wellness coach. She is the author of several books on Black women and girls and has published dozens of academic articles on Black women's and girls' socio-cultural, educational, and mental health. Due to her commitment to research on and with Black girls and women, Dr. V was invited by President Obama's Administration to participate in a special convening at the White House to discuss research on the state of women and girls, and she served as an expert on, Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools, film. Dr. V has keynoted and guest lectured at numerous colleges and universities across the nation and internationally, including in South Africa and West Africa.


Dr. V enjoys teaching women how to write to heal, research for racial justice, and practicing mindfulness meditation to revive the Goddess within.  

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